The Self-Taught Freelancer eBook
For years I've felt called to teach others how to start freelancing like I did. But it hasn't been until these last several months that I discovered how to teach it.
You see, when I found myself starting a career from scratch back in 2017, I had nowhere to turn. I had just gotten a Master's Degree and a teaching certification that I no longer wanted to use. I became a mom for the first time, and *knew* I wanted to work from home. I decided that I wanted to learn as many skills as I could possibly learn to do from home, other than sales. Here's what that looked like:
-blog writing
-logo design
-website design
-graphic design
-social media marketing
-email marketing
-and more
Yeah, it's a lot. I wanted to be able to take *any* job that I could. Plus, I probably have ADHD and I genuinely wanted to be able to bounce around like that. I knew I didn't want to sit through a long, online course, either. I prefer learning by DOING - and lecture-style formats don't work for me.
So I taught myself all of it.
Fast-forward to 2023 and I can say that, not only did I teach myself those skills. . . but I landed clients, Big ones. Then, I was picked up by an agency. Shortly after that, I landed a job as Director of Marketing for an incredible company. And while all of this was going on, my own social media snowballed and grew into a career of its own.
All of this started with freelancing and taking the time to develop my own skills. And while I can't promise the insane results that I've experienced, I *know* you'll find value in what I've compiled for this eBook.
These pages describe the EXACT formula I used to teach myself freelancing skills. Any skill.
It's replicable & easy to remember, so YOU can teach yourself, too! Buy it, try it, and reach out with any questions at all! Can't wait to hear how this works for you!